Bonanza 2025 is off and running. Tickets are being distributed to team captains who will be providing tickets to our sellers. This year, more than ever, we are looking for new volunteers to help sell tickets. Please consider helping. We hope to have a seller list in The Spirit published by February 24th. Please call the office if you are interested and leave your name and number. You will be contacted to arrange for receiving instructions and tickets. We hope to sell 1750 tickets this year and will be giving away a total of $38,000 during the 10 drawings. The grand prize this year will be $12,000.
Bonanza 2022 is rounding the final turn. The 3rd count was held on April 9th and the first of ten drawings will begin April 24th after the 9:00 a.m. Mass. As always, we appreciate your support of the Parish's largest fund raiser.
Bonanza 2020 is sold out. No further tickets can be accepted. Please return all unsold tickets to the Parish office or destroy them. Thank you to all for the incredible support received during this trying time.
For those of you who are still holding Bonanza tickets or are able to possibly sell additional tickets this week, a fourth count has been scheduled for next Saturday, April 25 from 10 to 12. Please drop off all sold tickets at the Parish office during that time so we can have them included in the first drawing. The plan is to live stream each drawings after the 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass on each of the dates as scheduled. Although we have not met our goal of 1500 tickets yet, it may be possible with your help. Even if we do not meet this goal, it will be a successful year thanks to all of you during this difficult time. Any questions or if you need help returning your tickets, please feel to call me at 313-727-3540.
The third Bonanza count will take place this weekend (April 18 and 19). Tickets will be collected at the Parish office on Saturday from 3:00 to 5:00 PM and on Sunday from 4:00 to 6:00 PM. Sunday will be the actual count day. Precautions for collection, counting and drawings as scheduled will be in place. Please return your sold tickets this weekend. If we do not reach our 1500 sold ticket goal this weekend and you sell additional tickets, we will make arrangements to collect them. We still have a ways to go to reach 1500. Thank you for all your help and support during this very difficult and historic time. Be safe and be St. Clare strong. Any questions, please call Tim Kramer at 313-727-3540
Last Sunday we kicked off our annual Bonanza Raffle. Tickets were distributed to our Team Captains who will, in turn, distribute them to their sellers. As you know, Bonanza is our only Parish fundraiser. This year, with your help, we plan to sell all 1,500 tickets. There are 34 chances to win, and the top prize is $10,000. Perhaps you would like to help St. Clare with this fundraiser, and at the same time, have a chance to win a prize for just selling Bonanza tickets.
Bonanza tickets are available from one of our sellers, ushers, or from the Parish or School offices. Be sure to purchase your $50 Bonanza raffle ticket to qualify for the many prizes that will be awarded during 10 multiple drawings, beginning April 28th. Remember: Tickets are good for all 10 drawings.
Last Sunday we kicked off our annual Bonanza Raffle. Tickets were distributed to our Team Captains who will, in turn, distribute them to their sellers. As you know, Bonanza is our only Parish fundraiser. This year, with your help, we plan to sell all 1,500 tickets. There are 34 chances to win, and the top prize is $10,000.
Our second Bonanza Returns Meeting will take place next Sunday, March 26th from 4:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. in the Whittier Room. A Sellers’ Drawing will be held at 6:00 p.m. and three more lucky Sellers will each win $50.00. Please return all sold tickets this week, so that they are included in the Seller’s drawing. Bonanza drawings begin on April. 23rd. Since only 1500 tickets will be sold, we encourage you to contact the parish offices, school office, ushers, or one of our sellers to obtain your $50 ticket. Remember, we have 34 drawings with a Grand Prize of $10,000—and each ticket is good for all 10 multiple drawings. Please take a ticket home to buy or sell, and help make our only parish fundraiser a success!
First Returns Meeting today—Sunday, March 5, from 4:00 to 6:00 pm in the Whittier Room (Parish Offices) Bonanza tickets are available from one of the ushers, ticket sellers, or from the Parish or School offices. Purchase your $50 Bonanza raffle ticket to qualify for the 34 prizes that will be awarded during 10 multiple drawings—beginning April 23rd...
Our First Bonanza Returns “Sellers’ Drawing” took place last Sunday, March 6th. We are pleased to report that 406 sold tickets were turned in. The winners of $50 each in the 3 Seller’s Drawings were: Fr. Andrew, Janet Guensche, and Joseph Kramer. Our second Bonanza Returns Meeting is next Sunday, March 20th from 4:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. in the Whittier Room. A Sellers’ Drawing will be held at 6:00 p.m. and three more lucky sellers will win $50.00 Please return all sold tickets this week so that they are included in the drawing.
A special Bonanza Thank you Mass and Coney Dog Party will be held on Saturday, June 13th at 4:00 p.m. Everyone who helped in any way to make our Bonanza 2015 a success is invited. Bring your family to 4:00 Mass—followed by a Coney Dog Party in the Rectory garden. Please RSVP so we can plan for food 313-647-5060.
Our Bonanza committee will take a count of all sold tickets this Sunday, March 29th between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. Please note that once we reach our goal of 1,500, we can no longer accept tickets! At this time we ask that all sold tickets be returned as soon as possible.
Our second Bonanza Returns Meeting is Sunday, March 15th from 4:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. in the Whittier Room. A Sellers’ Drawing will be held at 6:00 p.m. and three more lucky Sellers will win $50.00. Please return all sold tickets today, so that they are included in the Seller’s drawing.
Bonanza tickets are available from one of our sellers, ushers, or from the Parish or School offices. Be sure to purchase your $50 Bonanza raffle ticket to qualify for one of the many prizes that will be awarded during 10 multiple drawings, beginning April 12th after our 9:00 Sunday morning Mass.