The Knights of Columbus Council 12479 will be conducting our annual REVERSE RAFFLE on Saturday, September 11. The revenue raised from this fundraiser allows us to continue the Knights' activities for our St. Clare Church, School and Parish Community as well as our organization's financial obligations for 2021-2022.
The Christian Service Commission encourages you to support our Capuchins as they plan for their Capuchin Soup Kitchen Telethon on October 5, 2021. Due to the pandemic, they will not hold their traditional SOCK Dinner and Signature Drive but instead ask you to donate online and through mail. We are grateful for the amazing services they offer to the community and appreciate their support of St. Clare Parish when they fill in for masses for Fr. Andrew.
The Catholic Services Appeal supports 170 ministries, programs, and services that benefit the faithful in Southeast Michigan. This archdiocesan-wide campaign communicates that the local Church extends beyond our parish borders. This collaborative campaign is a way to demonstrate the unity of the larger Church and to fund these vital programs without simply increasing the diocesan assessment of parish offertories. But if we don’t reach our goal, the parish account of St Clare will have to pay the difference.
If you would like your loved one who is buried at Mt. Elliott Cemetery remembered during our prayer service on August 15, 2021, please stop by the table near the Family Room or at the back of the Church and add their name to the list. We will gather at Mt. Elliott at 3:00 p.m. to pray for them and all the deceased of our parish on our Cemetery Sunday celebration day.