September 19, 2020
by Fr. Andrew
On Tuesday, September 29, our 6:30 evening Mass, will celebrate the feast of the Archangels. This is the day the Michaelite Congregation to which Fr. Tom and I belong, will begin its Centennial Year. This is a special day for the Michaelite Fathers (C.S.M.A.), as we celebrate our patron saint, St. Michael the Archangel. C.S.M.A. stands for the Congregation of St. Michael the Archangel. Say a prayer for us and the members of our community to be good followers of St. Michael and good priests according to God’s heart. Thank you for all your generous donations to the cause of our community, especially our seminary.
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September 19, 2020
by Fr. Andrew
Two weeks ago, David Troiano, Ron Kotz, Dan Piepszowski, and Mark Fikany met to discuss how our Music Ministry can more engaging in our fall celebrations. Beginning Sunday, September 27, additional music will complement our services. Limited choir members will return to the 9:00 am Mass. At 4:00 pm and 11:00 am a cantor will accompany the organ/piano. We will also resume the Sunday 5:00 pm Mass on September 27.
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September 19, 2020
by Sr. Kathy Avery
Children’s Faith Formation: Classes will begin on October 4. If you have not registered your child or children, please do so today. I would like to order materials by tomorrow, September 21, so we have them here by our start date.
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September 2, 2020
by Catholic Service Appeal
Have you considered that this time of challenge and uncertainty could possibly be the Church in Detroit’s finest hour? This is a time for our parishes and communities to do what we do best: rise up. In southeast Michigan, we are no strangers to challenges,and we, with the grace and love of God, have always been resilient, rising from the ashes and overcoming these trials.
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