April 28, 2019
by Mike McDevitt
Please come and enjoy a Taco Fiesta Dinner on Friday, May 10, 2019, at the St. Clare Social Hall from 5:30 to 9:00 p.m. to support the purchase of medical supplies for Haiti and Africa Relief Team missions. Who can resist a warm plate of tasty tacos and delicious salad. “Have a heart for HART”. 100% of your donation goes directly to supporting the missions...
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April 21, 2019
What a wonderful forty days we celebrated during Lent. This is a true story and it really did happen at St. Clare. It all began on Ash Wednesday when we started our Lenten journey by receiving the blessed ashes. These past forty days were marked with prayer, fasting and almsgiving. It was encouraging to see new faces at our weekday Masses as well as an increase in attendance on Sundays. The celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation provided a real source of healing for many. Adoration, devotions, Stations of the Cross were beautiful signs of our seasonal reflection. Simple Suppers, Operation Rice Bowl and St. Leo’s project provided opportunities for us to meet and serve others. The annual Act of Mercy to bury the dead was a wonderful expression of charity in action. Our Faith Formation initiatives and materials for the season of Lent were excellent and many have shared how they enjoyed them this year. The faith journey...
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