June 18, 2018
by Mike McDevitt
A Red Cross Blood Drive will be held in the St. Clare Social Hall on Wednesday June 20 from 2:00 PM until 8:00 PM. Appointments may be made at redcrossblood.org and enter the sponsor code stclare13. Questions may be directed to Tamara at 313-779-9282. The Red Cross is in constant need of blood and plasma, especially over the summer months. Please consider registering to give blood or drop by and sign-up.
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June 18, 2018
by Fr. Andrew
While you are on summer holiday enjoying a little slower pace, maybe this would be an opportunity to participate in a service your normal routine doesn’t allow. The church remains open with regular weekday and weekend Masses. The sacrament of Reconciliation is available every day before Mass. Wednesday evenings Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is available for you to come and pray in the presence, or at the foot, of the cross of the Lord. As an added incentive in this very warm weather - St. Clare church is air-conditioned. You can pray in a comfortable and cool environment.
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June 17, 2018
by Fr. Andrew
As we continue our journey with St. Philomena some of the changes the Transition Team recommended will begin to be implemented. July 1st our bulletins will be combined. After meeting with the companies currently producing each bulletin, we selected Diocesan as our vendor. They will contact all advertisers to confirm renewals. If anyone would like to advertise their business or company in our new bulletin please contact Susie Frazer at: 313-647-5022 or Joanna Saady at: 313-882-4300. Thank you for supporting our parishes.
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June 10, 2018
by Fr. Andrew
Thank you to the parishioners of St. Clare and St. Philomena who joined the Transition Team for the Town Hall Meetings last Sunday. This process is highly charged with emotions that run deep, it was not easy for anyone who participated. However, in good faith and with trust in the One who saved us I believe, and I commit myself to creating a strong and vibrant Catholic Community in Detroit and Grosse Pointe by celebrating our faith, working together and strengthening our pastoral activities. This does not come without pain – for all of us, I know that and I heard that. I pray for healing, that we can all accept the decision of the Archbishop when it comes, and together make plans and provisions for the future. Please pray for the assistance of the Holy Spirit for our future deliberations. Thank you to the members of the Transition Team for your time, commitment and guidance during this difficult process.
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June 8, 2018
by Sr. Kathy
BIBLE SCHOOL: Our Bible School will be held August 13-17 from 9:30-12:00 We need help from adults and young adults. If you wish to help, adults must have Protecting God’s Children and high school students must have Called to Serve. Those who wish to help and need this class, please see Sr. Kathy or call her. We need a photographer and ...
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