May 28, 2017
The theme of this year’s Catholic Services Appeal is Opening Doors to Encounter Christ. As this theme suggests, Jesus encourages us to examine our lives and reflect on how each of us may enter into a deeper relationship with Him, and how we may open doors so that others may have a personal encounter with Him. When we support the CSA, we support a multitude of ministries, programs, and services that do precisely this - we open doors to Jesus. As members of the Archdiocese of Detroit, we have an opportunity and responsibility to keep our local Church vibrant and service oriented. Our response is to graciously accept this 2017 challenge to meet our parish goal of $73,681.
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May 26, 2017
Our Faith Formation Commission is working on our programs for the fall. If you have anything to suggest, or if you would like to give a testimonial on your experience with any of the FORMED programs you have seen or participated in, please speak with anyone on our Faith formation commission: Tom or Annie Warnez, Marge Zurack, Rosemary Campbell, Greg Mantho, Joe Monte, Sr. Kathy or Fr. Andrew.
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May 24, 2017
Please join our Alumni and Friends of St. Clare on June 3rd for a day of family, food and fun. Reconnect with friends, join in field day events, eat, drink and be merry. We have planned a ...
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May 21, 2017
by Barb Koster
Our SVdP Conference is currently enrolling children for Camp Ozanam. There are opportunities for boys and girls from ages 8 through 16 to enjoy a week on the shores of Lake Huron at no cost to their families. SVdP-St. Clare is hosting a Camp Enrollment Gathering in the Social Hall on Saturday, June 10 from 10 a.m. until noon, and we are also meeting with families now to help them get a jump start on their paperwork. If you know someone who...
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May 21, 2017
by Fr. Andrew
Our search for a new Pastoral Associate continues. We want to be sure the right candidate is selected, so we are refining the position details and narrowing our search. Additionally, I have submitted the job description to the AOD for the opening in our school and hope to interview candidates ASAP. Please know that our Parish Team is committed to the mission and vision of our St. Clare Community of being an Amazing Parish and striving for excellence. We expect a smooth transition as we implement these changes. Please keep us in your prayers.
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May 19, 2017
by Mike McDevitt
I will share with you a few spring maintenance projects you will see around campus. We just completed a waterproofing project along the Whittier side of the church. Like any area home the foundation cracks and water begins to show up in the basement. Hopefully this will allow us to repaint our walls and keep them dry for the near future. Another project will be replacing the steps to the main entrance to the school. They are crumbling and are beyond repair. We will also replace the curbing that hugs the gardens on either side of the step area. We want to ensure that it is safe for students, teachers, and guests to come and go from our main entrance.
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May 8, 2017
by Sr. Kathy
Our dates for Super Heroes of the Old Testament will be from August 7 to 11 from 9:30-12. Cost will be $25. We invite all children from 4-10 to attend. We will also be looking for adult and young adult volunteers. If you would like to help or if you need more information, please contact Sr. Kathy.
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May 8, 2017
by Sr. Kathy
Any high school student who would like to assist with Bible School, tutor any of our students, or works in any other capacity within the athletic program, religious education program, or school programs, must have this program before you can work with children. To register call the parish where the workshop is located or see Sr. Kathy. Our Lady Star of the Sea, May 20, 12-3. St. Peter Parish, Mt. Clemens, June 10, 9-12. A parent permission slip is necessary.
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May 8, 2017
The community wide clean-up scheduled for May 13th, 12 noon kick off from Balduck Park's north side, will run from i-94 service drive to Mack Avenue & from Moross Rd. to Devonshire. St. Clare Montefalco Parish is asked to clean the major thoroughfares on both sides of Outer Dr. (including the median), Mack Avenue, East Warren, i-94 service Dr & East Warren from east to west. There are 5 side streets running North to South that include Audobon, Courville, 3 Mile Dr., Bedford & Devonshire. There are 10 streets or major thoroughfare assignments with two partners assigned to each street, plus two for the Median on Outer Dr. We could use 22 volunteers to accomplish this. More volunteers are certainly welcome as streets between Cadieux & Moross Rd's can still be assigned.
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May 5, 2017
by Fr. Andrew
We welcome and congratulate twenty-one children and their families from our parish who will receive Holy Communion for the first time this weekend at 11:00 a.m. Mass. We pray that this will be the first of many times that you receive Jesus in the Eucharist as you continue on your faith journey. May the image of the Good Shepherd inspire us to follow Christ and listen to His voice even more closely. Once again thank you to Sr. Kathy, Sr. Mary Peter, and Ms. Samantha Cooley for preparing our young students for this great celebration. It truly is a great festivity of faith and family-gathering in our parish. May God bless you and continually guide you—parents and children, as you journey through life.
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May 5, 2017
by Fr. Andrew
It is with mixed emotions that I have accepted Mr. Fisher's decision to move on to a new school. St. Clare will certainly miss him, but we understand his need to put his family first. Mr. Fisher will remain as principal of St. Clare School until June 30th. Additional details about how the School Community will honor him for his years of service will be forthcoming. In the meantime, I want to assure everyone in our School and Parish Community, that we are beginning the search for a principal for the 2017-18 school year immediately. I will meet with faculty, representatives of the PTO and representatives of the School Commission as soon as possible to discuss how to proceed. Faculty and parent representatives will...
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