June 29, 2014
MANY THANKS to our parishioners who have responded with a gift or a pledge to the Catholic Services Appeal. As you can see, we have exceeded our goal! As you know, funds received over the goal are returned to our parish, and may be used for parish expenses.
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June 27, 2014
by Barb Koster
Thank you for your generous donations throughout the year. With your help, we are able to provide a 4-5 day supply of non-perishable food to most families we visit in our ministry work. This gift allows a family to address other needs or helps to stretch a very limited food budget. Volunteers help sort and pre-package food parcels so SVDP members can have quick access before home visits. The rectory/office also uses the pantry for emergency food needs discovered through their ministries.
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June 27, 2014
by Janet Guensche
We are very grateful to everyone who helped us reach our CSA goal of $70,851. As of Monday, June 23rd our total was up to $84,380. Perhaps you already know that funds received over our goal are returned to our parish and may be used for special projects or to assist us with operating expenses. Your prompt and generous response to our Catholic Services Appeal is deeply appreciated. Thank you!
We are happy to report that 41 new families joined St. Clare Parish in the past fiscal year (July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014). Be sure to welcome new parishioners when they visit St. Clare. They are often seeking a church to call their own. As families register in the parish, they tell me that they chose St. Clare because our parishioners spoke to them, and made them feel welcome. Keep up the good work! We are hoping to have an official welcome for new parishioners in early September.
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June 27, 2014
by Mike McDevitt
Red Cross Blood Drive - Sign up today!
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June 22, 2014
MANY THANKS to our parishioners who have responded with a gift or a pledge to the Catholic Services Appeal. As you can see, we have reached, and exceeded our goal! As you know, funds received over the goal are returned to our parish, and may be used for parish expenses.
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June 21, 2014
Only a few seats remain on an 11 day pilgrimage to Poland & Czech Republic with a fun and faith-filled group of St. Clare parishioners and Fr. Andrew. Join us, as we visit beautiful sites, follow in the footsteps of the Michaelite Fathers and John Paul II. Visit the holy sites of Cz?stochowa, the “Polish Jerusalem” of Kalwaria Zebrzydowska, Wadowice, (birthplace of St. John Paul II), Divine Mercy, and the St. John Paul II Center, where you may venerate his relics. Pray before the Infant of Prague statue in Prague, the “City of a Thousand Spires.” Enjoy a relaxing raft trip down the Dunajec River and a gondola ride in Zakopane! Space is limited!
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June 20, 2014
by Barb Koster
Our parish members must have very clean and tidy closets! We were complemented by the SVdP Central Office on the large volume of great donations our parking lot bin is generating! The SVdP truck has been stopping by our parking lot twice a week lately to empty the contents! So thank you so much for your regular and generous contributions. Our conference is planning to have Bundle Drive in the fall and this will enable us to collect small household items as well.
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June 14, 2014
by Mike McDevitt
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June 14, 2014
MANY THANKS to our parishioners who have already responded with a gift or a pledge to the Catholic Services Appeal.
Altar boys from across the Archdiocese of Detroit will gather at Sacred Heart Major Seminary next Friday, June 20, to learn about the diocesan priesthood. At the annual Seminary Day for Altar Boys, altar boys who have completed the seventh grade or are older will have the opportunity to spend time with priests and seminarians and hear talks on vocations and the priesthood...
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June 13, 2014
by Deacon Larry
Pentecost weekend was my last weekend of full time public ministry at St. Clare of Montefalco Parish and I wish to thank you, the parishioners, my fellow members of the parish ministry team, and my brother Knights of Columbus for your kind and generous support for the past three years as I served as your permanent deacon. The blessings I have received from our relationship have enriched my life and touched my heart in ways too numerous to mention. The memories...
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June 7, 2014
THANK YOU to those who have already responded with a gift or a pledge to the Catholic Services Appeal.
“Service of the Sacred,” a music and liturgy conference, will be held this coming Monday through Thursday at Sacred Heart Major Seminary. Presented by the Archdiocese of Detroit’s Sacred Music Task Force and funded in part by the Catholic Services Appeal, the conference is designed for those who minister through music, supporting the Gospel message through song.
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June 3, 2014
by Michael McDevitt
Congratulations to St. Clare Parish, Church and School, as well as our friends from St. Philomena and St. Paul who all contributed to our Brick Wall Project for St. Jude’s Church in Haiti. We not only reached our goal of 500 bricks but appear to have reached 600 bricks with recent arrivals. It is a testament to rolling up our sleeves and getting the job done one brick at a time. We are very proud to have been able to contribute to this regional project organized by H.A.R.T. I wish to offer a special thank you to Maria Rodriguez for her hard work and Fr. Andrew for his support of this project.
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