While the world is concerned with decorating, buying, and spreading holiday spirit, the Church focuses on the coming of Christ—here and now in our hearts, in history, and at the end of time. With different celebrations, devotions, decorations, music, and images coming from the Liturgy of the Word, we ponder upon the beauty, the meaning, and the invitation of the advent season. Even though we are in the midst of music, parties, lights, and plans for Christmas, being Bold, Catholic, and Holy, helps us to focus on the reason for the season. Christ, who came among us as one of us, will come again at the end of time. May the light of the Advent Wreath candles help to remind us that a light has come into the world that dispels the darkness and we are called to resemble that light.
We are grateful to everyone who contributed to our mission of helping others during the Thanksgiving season. The financial gifts in the special SVdP envelopes from our regular envelope packets, the loose money from Mass on Thanksgiving Day and the cash in the calendar tins are all greatly appreciated. And the donations of food and personal items from the school, religious education program and our parishioners have been a wonderful blessing to our outreach.
St. Clare Christian Service Commission is once again sponsoring the Christmas Giving Tree Project. The gifts will provide Christmas cheer to the folks at St. Patrick’s Senior Center, St. Charles Adult Care Homes, Freedom House, and the Crisis Navigator Program run through the Catholic Charities of SE Michigan.