Show your St Clare pride by purchasing your spirit wear from PTO today!
Currently on hand - Hoodies, T-Shirts, Ladies fit V-Necks, Fleece lined Jackets, Scarves and more!
Having Difficulty Paying your Utility Expenses?
We may be able to help if you are behind on your gas and/or electric bills!
St. Vincent de Paul-Detroit has been awarded a $2.25 million grant by the Michigan Energy Assistance Program (EAP) for DTE and Consumers Energy customers who meet the criteria...
We begin 2014 with our annual Warm Hands, Warm Hearts collection this weekend. Please look for Christian Service and Youth Group members at the doors with marked collection cans.
Last Sunday the St. Clare SVDP conference participated in Kroger’s Bringing Hope to the Table, a program sponsored by Gleaners Food Bank. And WOW!!!! Our food pantry is really full at the moment!
The St. Clare basketball teams went 5-2 against St. Paul this past weekend. Our next home games are Saturday, January 25th starting at 9:00 am and the last game tips off at 1:45 pm. Come check out the Falcons in action!
We begin 2014 with our annual Warm Hands, Warm Hearts collection on the weekend of January 18-19 after all Masses. Please look for Christian Service...