November 25, 2019
by Diane McCloskey
Thanksgiving Collection
Each year the work of our conference is supported entirely by donations from our parish community (excluding our energy assistance work funded by the State of Michigan). Included in your regular parish envelope packet is a Thanksgiving offering envelope. The proceeds from this collection support our work. Please consider making a donation this Thanksgiving and join our conference at Thanksgiving Mass. You can turn your envelope in at any time through the regular weekly collection. Here is how we were able to use our funds this past fiscal year (does not include store vouchers or energy assistance):
· Furniture/Large Appliances: 34%
· Rent: 25%
· Car Repair/Bus Cards: 13%
· Utilities (Water/Co-Pay): 11%
· Funeral Expenses: 4%
· Food (Non Pantry): 3%
· Other: 10% (includes central office support)
Invitation to Serve
Six years ago I accepted the invitation to serve as a member of St. Vincent de Paul Conference. I really wasn’t sure what I was getting into - and honestly, I was looking to find some friendship and sense of community outside of my everyday world. I knew in my heart at the first meeting that this was a place I could put my faith into action and build that community. I first chose to work with the Food Pantry because I could do it around my full time work schedule and I knew that hunger can impact EVERYONE. Through this work I have learned of the love and charity that is in the hearts of so many in our St. Clare community. You have supported our conference and those we serve through your time, talent, treasures, and prayers. I have made many friendships that have become very dear to me. I am humbled to build upon the foundation of past leadership and look forward to learning more from each of you, especially this Advent season on how our work can continue to Unleash the Gospel in our community.
Please keep our work, our members, and most especially those we serve in your prayers and keep an open heart to listen if the Holy Spirit is calling you to join us. Watch the bulletin for recruitment information meetings and training opportunities in January. In the meantime feel free to email or call me anytime to learn more about how you can support or join our ministry or to share your ideas about how we can expand our mission. Thank you for your prayers and support.
Diane McCloskey
SVdP President
(313) 231-1108 -
[email protected]