November 2, 2015
by Barb Koster
It is time again for EAP--the Energy Assistance Program! St. Vincent de Paul-Detroit has been awarded $4.4 million dollars from the State of Michigan Public Service Commission to disperse to eligible persons. As we have done for the past 2 grant periods, SVdP-St. Clare will be taking the lead on a collaboration of Vincentians from the surrounding parishes of our SVdP District—St. Matthew, St. Paul, Star of the Sea, St. Ambrose, and St. Raymond. We will also be serving people living in areas with no SVdP representation—St. Philomena, St. Jude, Assumption Grotto, and people who live where St. Peter and Queen of Peace have closed.
To be eligible for assistance, the energy bill must be in the applicants name, the bill must be at least at least $150.00 past due, and the household must meet the 2015 Federal Poverty Guidelines for Monthly income. And there is some documentation required along with the signed and completed application.
Every other Saturday morning starting November 7th, SVdP volunteers will be processing EAP applications for people who have been pre-screened and are eligible for assistance. For more information or to request a pre-screening phone call, leave a message on our Assistance Line at 313-647-5062 and one of our volunteers will return your call.
Last year, this collaborative was able to provide about $165,000.00 of assistance for individuals and families in our community. We are excited about the opportunity to serve even more people this heating season.