It’s been two months since we returned to the church for services. I am happy to be able to sit in the pews again with other parishioners, but just like everywhere else I go these days, it is a little bit different… There are no song books, no choir, no milling about or casual conversations taking place. No holy water in the font or at the doors, no altar servers, its different for sure. But even though these are missing right now, there is familiarity in many other ways. Fr. Andrew and the Deacon are together on the altar leading us in prayer, our lectors are proclaiming the Word and the Eucharist Ministers assist with distribution of Holy Communion. Our rituals of the Mass remain intact and provide that constant that has disappeared in so many other places in our lives. As Fr. mentioned in his homily on August 2 our school is moving forward planning for the year and the parish staff are doing the same. Ministries are in communication with their members developing protocols and new ways to move forward. The Stephen Ministry continues to serve the needs of our community. Many people were caught off guard by the fallout from the pandemic. It has caused a ripple effect that feels a bit like walking on sand, the feeling of the ground shifting under our feet, stability uncertain. Whether it’s a health concern of yours or a loved one, loss of income, isolation or anxiety, these are common side effects of what we are all going through. The good news is a Stephen Minister is available to walk this path with you, not to lead or to fix but to accompany you as you navigate this new normal. We are here for you, please give us a call 313- 647-5000 ex. 5054 or email us at[email protected]