July 4, 2014
by Barb Koster
The SVdP Conference at St. Clare has enrolled 12 children in our community for a week at Camp Ozanam. This experience comes at no cost to the family. There are still a few openings for campers aged 8 through 12 toward the end of the summer. If you are aware of a child who needs and deserves an opportunity for summer camp, please call the parish SVDP assistance line at 313-647-5062 and leave a message or email Barb at
[email protected].
We are currently assisting a person who takes 2 busses to reach her job each day. Because bus transportation is not always reliable, this woman would love to have a bicycle to get her around. If you or someone you know has a sturdy, dependable women’s bicycle to donate to our neighbor-in-need, please leave a message on our assistance line at 313-647-5062 or email Barb at
[email protected].
Thanks to those who have already responded to our request to restock our pantry. A list of pantry needs can be found on this page under documents.