June 20, 2014
by Barb Koster
Our parish members must have very clean and tidy closets! We were complemented by the SVdP Central Office on the large volume of great donations our parking lot bin is generating! The SVdP truck has been stopping by our parking lot twice a week lately to empty the contents! So thank you so much for your regular and generous contributions. Our conference is planning to have Bundle Drive in the fall and this will enable us to collect small household items as well.
We are also grateful for the contributions our parishioners are making to the food baskets at the doors of church. Next week, we will be publishing a list of staples we need to replenish for our food pantry. We ALWAYS are in need of toilet paper—did you know that this very necessary item cannot be purchased with food stamps/bridge cards?
Thank you for all your support of our neighbors in need!