February 24, 2014
by Mary Cascos
St. Clare Baby Shower Drop-off to benefit Pregnancy Aid.
DATE: The Weekend of March 8 and 9th , 2014
Right to Life-LIFESPAN and St. Clare’s Choose Life Committee will continue in it’s tradition of caring for both Mother and baby (born and preborn) by hosting a drop-off Baby Shower. Lifespan has been organizing these baby showers for the past 25 years and this year we have 46 Churches participating this week-end which will benefit 18 local pregnancy help centers.
Please take a tag from the “Trees of LIFE” at the entrances of the church and bring the items back the week-end of March 9th. Place all unwrapped items around the baby crib in front of Mary’s altar. A container will be available for monetary donations. Please make checks payable to: Pregnancy Aid.
Call Mary at 885-8238 if you have any questions and/or would be willing to help load the items after the 11 AM Mass on March 9th.
God bless you for all you do for His “little ones”.
Mary Cascos
Right to Life-LIFESPAN
St. Clare Choose Life Committee