Pregnancy Aid Bottle Drive The St. Clare Choose Life Committee is hosting a Baby Bottle Drive the next two weekends, Feb. 25-26 and March 4-5, to support Pregnancy Aid. Help us support Pregnancy Aid and their mission to assist women with prenatal care including free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, material aid, emotional and educational support. Baby bottles are in baskets at the exits of the church, please take one home and return them during Masses March 11-12 filled with loose change, bills, or a check. Checks may be made out to Pregnancy Aid Detroit. Your baby bottle donations may be placed in the collection basket or placed in a special marked box in front of Mary’s altar. Online donations may be made by visiting: Pregnancy Aid is a local organization located on 8 Mile in Eastpointe, which provides support, peer counseling, parenting education, clothing, diapers, baby equipment, baby accessories, and formula - all FREE to pregnant women, new mothers and their babies. Thank you, Bettyanne Hodges, for organizing this effort. Please contact Cathie Schneider, 313-647-5060, if you have questions.