October 8, 2015
by Fr. Andrew
Last week during the Sunday Masses I mentioned about the Holy Communion and Celiac Sprue disease. About 15% of all persons of Northern European origin suffer from CS disease. This disease which affects the digestive system causes these people to become ill by eating gluten, one of the major ingredients of wheat flour.
For years the Church has been concerned about Catholics suffering from this disease and unable to receive the ordinary hosts used for Holy Communion. This is true for the person who has zero tolerance for gluten. So here are the possibilities: If a person cannot consume a low gluten host they may still receive the Precious Blood. Catholics believe that whoever receives Holy Communion only under the form of bread or only under the form of wine still receives the whole Christ, in His body and blood, soul and divinity. Also, low gluten hosts can be ordered and under the careful procedure offered to those who suffer from CS. That is precisely what we, here at St. Clare, will do at the end of the month. Please contact our office, or speak with me about this option so that we can discuss the details.