To respond in faith to the challenges we face and to take the necessary steps to better equip our parish communities for the mission outlined in Unleash the Gospel, the Archdiocese is dividing all parishes into groups called “Families of Parishes” creating a new structure and leadership. A Family of Parishes is a grouping of three or more parishes that collaborate in deeper and more intentional ways than parishes have ever done before. Each parish in a Family will retain its own unique identity, similar to how each sibling has his or her own unique role in the family. This is not a parish cluster or merger as we have done in the past. Rather, Families of Parishes share similarities to other models that have been successfully implemented in other dioceses in the United States and Canada, with new parish structures to support mission, writes the Archbishop in his pastoral note that can be found at The Family that St. Clare was assigned to, groups us with St. Paul, St. Ambrose, and St. Matthew. This takes effect July 1, 2022. Moderator of our Family will be Fr. Jim Bilot, pastor of St. Paul. I invite everyone to visit that website and stay informed of how our family will unfold.