June 29, 2014
MANY THANKS to our parishioners who have responded with a gift or a pledge to the Catholic Services Appeal. As you can see, we have exceeded our goal! As you know, funds received over the goal are returned to our parish, and may be used for parish expenses.
Children throughout the Archdiocese of Detroit will have fun this summer while growing spiritually at vacation Bible schools. Through the archdiocesan Department of Evangelization, Catechesis and Schools, your gifts to the Catholic Services Appeal support the work of catechists, who plan vacation Bible schools in their parishes. These faith-filled weeks help children learn about Jesus in a relaxing and fun way. These dedicated catechists also teach our faith in parishes and Catholic schools. Their mission includes helping others to reflect on their Catholic faith and understand its purpose in today’s world.
For information about CSA funded ministries, programs, and services, please go to www.AOD.org.
If you have not already done so, please return your 2014 pledge card before the end of June.