March 5, 2016
For those of you who don't know, we are going to perform a Corporal Act of Mercy - Burying the Dead, as a parish act of mercy. We have coordinated with The Wayne County Medical Examiner, Verheyden Funeral Home, and Resurrection Cemetery to bury an indigent man who died in a house fire in Detroit. We have learned he was Catholic and often attended services at Holy Trinity Church in Detroit. He had no family and his body has been in the Wayne County Morgue since September of last year with no plan for burial. We are very grateful to Resurrection and Verheyden, who for the most part are donating their services. We may have some costs from the ME and for a wooden casket. The anticipated date and time of the service is Friday, March 18th at noon with a visitation at 11:30 a.m. in our church. Please check your calendar and plan to join us for this funeral service. Burying the dead and praying for the repose of their souls are two of the basic teachings of our faith. I hope you will plan to join us.