February 13, 2017
by Barb Koster
High energy bills can be a “budget buster” for individuals and families living on a limited income. St. Vincent de Paul has been providing funds via the Michigan Energy Assistance Program (MEAP) to help people out of shut-off. Here at St. Clare, volunteers have been writing grant applications since October and having access to funds that keep their utilities on has been quite a blessing to the eligible applicants.
Now the program is going a step further. People who apply for the MEAP are being asked to attend an Energy Savers Workshop. On Saturdays in conjunction with our bi-weekly EAP sessions, instructors from ECOWorks will be conducting a 1 hour 15 minute seminar featuring energy solutions and strategies geared toward self-sufficiency. This new addition to the EAP process is an effort to help people change the habits and improve the issues in their homes that cause them to get behind on their energy bills in the first place.
If you’d like more information about the energy assistance grant or this new Energy Savers Workshop, please leave a message on our St. Clare SVdP Assistance line: 313-647-5062.
Thanks for helping us help others!
Barbara Koster
SVdP Conference President