March 26, 2015
Our Bonanza committee will take a count of all sold tickets this Sunday, March 29th between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. Please note that once we reach our goal of 1,500, we can no longer accept tickets! At this time we ask that all sold tickets be returned as soon as possible.
You can still contact the parish offices, school office, ushers, or one of our sellers to obtain your $50 ticket. Remember, we have 34 drawings with a Grand Prize of $10,000. Each ticket is good for all 10 multiple drawings. Bonanza drawings begin on Sunday, April 12 after the 9:00 a.m. Mass.
The final Returns Gathering will be held in the Parish Offices Whittier Room on Saturday, April 11th from 3:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m.
As you know, Fr. Andrew is so confident that we can sell all 1500 tickets this year that he has committed to not shaving his beard until we do. It has been five weeks now, and that beard is getting pretty long. He is hoping that each parish family will help him out by purchasing or selling at least one ticket—so that he return to being clean shaven. Please take a ticket home, and help make our only parish fundraiser a success!