WINDS OF CHANGE The beginning of July brings several changes to our community. 1 - FAMILY OF PARISHES TAKE EFFECT THIS FRIDAY Please visit the following websites for more information:
· · Our SERF Vicarate Family #3 consists of: St. Ambrose, St. Clare, St. Matthew and St. Paul on the Lake. Our governance model is: In Solidium. The Moderator of our Family is Fr. Jim Bilot from St. Paul. Since April the priests of our Family have gathered to discuss the Covenant which is the document that will help us navigate the cooperation between the parishes.
ONE OF THE FAQ’S Will each parish retain its canonical status? What happens to the rights of the current pastors under canon law? Yes, parishes will retain their canonical status and boundaries. Each parish remains a juridic person, separate and distinct from the other parishes in the Family. Each parish retains its Parish Finance Council. Priests who served as Pastors before July 1 will continue to have stability in office and, through the Family Priests’ Covenant made between the priests, it is anticipated that these Priests In Solidum will remain in service to the same parish community (or communities) they served before July 1. Nevertheless, the Priests In Solidum can choose otherwise by virtue of the Covenant and discussions with their brother priests in the Family. In applying canon law, the in solidum Moderator assumes the role of representative of the parishes in the Family, but it is possible that some of this authority will be delegated to the Family-Pastor or other in solidum priests by agreement of the priests and memorialized in the Covenant. 2 - PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL (PPC) Parish Council will retire following July 1. Since the establishment of the families of parishes the role of the Parish Council will be taken by the Family Pastoral Council. Its establishment will be determined and directed by the Moderator of the Family. I take this opportunity to thank current and past Chairs and Members of the PPC for their involvement and service to our parish community over the years. Many wonderful projects and celebrations resulted from their decisions as well as important decisions that lead the parish community in the right direction. To all, Thank you!! The Parish Finance Committee, Parish Team and Leadership Team remain in place.