September 4, 2022
Last week we said goodbye to Fr. Marek. His time here was filled with many meetings around the AOD and beyond. He celebrated Mass in some parishes, met with pastors and K of C leaders, and was featured on several radio programs, in print media and on local television. In all this busyness, his focus was to give thanks for the support he has received from our region and to remind people the war is far from over. Even though it no longer is front page news in America, the reality of war continues to claim innocent victims and create a humanitarian crisis for millions of refugees.
There are many ways to continue to support Fr. Marek and the refugees and I encourage you to do so.
#1. PRAYER - Always, always, always be vigilant in your prayer for peace in Ukraine. We have placed the Ukrainian flag by the statue of St. Michael to invoke the intercession of the Patron Saint of Ukraine.
#2. SHARE - Share the story with others and encourage them to support the effort. Here are the links to the media coverage while Fr. Marek was visiting
Al Kresta - In the Afternoon
Fr. Marek and Jack Lintol begin 22:00 – 54:00
Brett Kast - Channel 7 News
Fr. Marek, Fr. Andrew, John and Liz May. Priest visits metro Detroit
churches to advocate help for Ukrainian refugees.
Teresa Tomeo - Catholic Connection
Fr. Marek and Fr. Andrew begins at 17:11 -34:40
Vanessa Denha Garmo - Epiphany Radio
Fr. Marek, Jack Lintol, Fr. Andrew
Dan Meloy - Detroit Catholic Magazine
Fr. Marek, Fr. Andrew, Mike McDevitt, Jack Lintol, Sue Buckley
The Third Day Project
An effort being spearheaded by the Knights of Columbus to raise funds to refurbish buildings in Poland to resettle refugees Contact Jack Lintol 248- 894-5132 [email protected]
#3 DONATE – If you would like to contribute financially to Fr Marek you may do so directly to him in Poland using his website link above. To donate in the United States and receive a tax receipt Fr. Marek has partnered with the Archdiocese of Miami, contact Sr. Elizabeth Worley SSJ at: [email protected]
Office phone (305) 762 – 1284 or Cell (305) 450 - 6420
To support the Third Day Project through the Knights of Columbus go to: