April 26, 2015
by Fr. Andrew
This week is the last of the month of April during which we celebrated the Holy Triduum and Easter. This Friday we will enter into the month of May which is traditionally Mary’s month, and that brings devotion to Mary. May brings First Communions, Confirmations, weddings, ordinations, and anniversaries to our families, parishes, and our Archdiocese. Special celebrations honoring Mary will be held in our parish on May 10, Mother’s Day, at 9:00 a.m. Mass with a special celebration of the Crowning of Mary, as well as on May 7 and 14 during Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. We will continue with our tradition and celebrate our weekday Masses with the Rosary following the Mass. Every Monday after the morning Mass, there is a special devotion to Mary, Our Lady of Perpetual Help. May all of our celebrations keep the Easter spirit alive.