March 13, 2017
by Barb Koster
The special guest who preached at all the masses the weekend of March 4th and 5th? He is Deacon Chris Stark, and he is the new executive director of St. Vincent de Paul Detroit. He was hired in September and works at the SVdP Central Office at 3000 Gratiot. His responsibility is to lead the team at headquarters in providing infrastructure for Vincentians throughout the archdiocese of Detroit in doing our work. The Central Office makes possible the Thrift Stores, Dental Clinic, Summer Camp Program and Friends of the Poor Walk, just to name a few of the programs with which people are most familiar. The Central Office also provides training, resources, spiritual enrichment opportunities, and assistance to SVdP conferences. (For more info, check out
Deacon Chris’ message varied at the Masses, but one of his key points was that God calls us to serve our friends in need. Here at St. Clare, we receive great support from our parish community, and we are most grateful!
We’ve had a nice response to our requests for furniture and household items for the Hinton family—in fact, it has resulted in some duplicate donations which we are attempting to share with other families.
Does anyone have a pick-up truck, a strong back, a helpful friend and a willingness to make occasional deliveries for us? Please leave a message on our assistance line at 313-647-5062 or email Barb at
[email protected].