February 8, 2015
by Barb Koster
Energy Assistance Still Available:
As we move into the heart of winter with cold temps and lots of snow, it is a good time to remind people about the Energy Assistance Program (EAP). St. Vincent de Paul-Detroit has been granted $3 million dollars in THAW (The Heat and Warmth) Funds to disperse to income-eligible persons and families in our community. Our conference has been collaborating with our neighboring Vincentians to process grants for those having difficulty meeting their energy expenses. The table lists financial requirements and applicants must provide proof of income. If you or someone you know could use some help, please leave a confidential message on our assistance line: 313-647-5062. One of our volunteers will contact you to verify qualifications and arrange an appointment. We have provided over $70,000 in energy relief and plan to continue meeting with those in need as long as there are funds available.
150% of Poverty—Annual Gross Income
1 person household: $17,235
2 person household: $23,265
3 person household: $29,295
4 person household: $35,325
5 person household: $41,355
6 person household: $47,385
7 person household: $53,415