Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron will celebrate a memorial Mass to remember the infants and children lost to miscarriage and stillbirth on Sunday, October 18, 2020. Mass will be celebrated at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament at 11:00 AM. Parents and families who have suffered the loss of a child will be invited to come forward to receive a memorial rosary and a special blessing from the Archbishop. There will be opportunity after Mass to inscribe the names of children lost to miscarriage and stillbirth in the memorial Book of Innocents that remains near the tabernacle at the Cathedral for year-round prayer. Couples praying for the gift of children will also be invited up to receive prayers and a blessing. As COVID-19 limits the number of persons permitted to attend Mass in person, registration for this event is requested to ensure the safety and health of everyone present. Please go to to register or email [email protected].