May 25, 2019
by Fr. Andrew
Say Hi Sunday. We were on fire, a sea of red gathering first in the social hall, to pray that the Holy Spirit guide us as we walk the neighborhood inviting all to join us in fellowship on June 9th. The apprehension melted away and 150 strong we headed out, the sun shining (against all weather reports) and took to the streets on our mission. When we regrouped at 3:00 the atmosphere was electric...( yes, the storm had finally arrived but it waited until we finished!) The stories shared reflected the common theme of positive interactions with those we encountered. It was magical…or maybe just maybe it really was spiritual, yes to be sure it was the Holy Spirit in action.
Be sure to mark your calendars for June 9th. We have a great lineup of music, food, and beverages for the party. Get in on the action, be part of the event. Many thanks to our Parish Council who led the charge under the direction of Bryan Brieden. Be Bold.