March 25, 2018
by Fr. Andrew
During the Holy Triduum there will be a few monetary collections: on Holy Thursday, the collection is for the general running of our parishes. The Good Friday collection is for the Holy Land. For your Easter offering, please use the special envelope included in your Sunday envelope packet, or included in the Easter mailing or the envelope available in the pew. As we come together to celebrate these Holy Days as one community, we still need to keep up our buildings and provide care for the ministerial support and ministries within our parishes. Please keep this in mind as you make your generous contribution. Thank you very much for your continued support.
As our parishes celebrate these holy days of our faith together some may be concerned about supporting their home parish. Please be assured that your gifts will continue to be given to the parish of your choosing. Use your home parish envelope either at St. Clare or St. Philomena as they will be forwarded to your home parish. Loose money stays in the parish in which it was contributed.