May 25, 2014
Engaged couples across the Archdiocese of Detroit have been preparing for summer weddings through marriage preparation programs. Catholic marriage is a calling from God to a shared vocation of life and love. Your gifts to the Catholic Services Appeal allow the archdiocesan Office for Marriage and Family Life to assemble marriage preparation programs designed to help couples build a foundation for this sacred union. These programs provide valuable opportunities, away from the distractions of wedding preparations, for couples to prayerfully discuss their future life together. The office also offers support services and programs that enrich and nurture people in every stage of the family life cycle, beyond the newlywed stage. For more information about CSA funded ministries, programs, and services, visit our archdiocesan website:
MANY THANKS to those who have already responded with a gift or a pledge to the Catholic Services Appeal. Please return your 2014 pledge card today.
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