April 5, 2015
by Fr. Andrew
As we celebrate the Risen Christ today, we are in awe of how richly each of us is blessed. The Paschal candle towers over the sanctuary. It will lead us to light and new life as we renew our baptismal vows. New Holy Water will refresh our memories of who we are. The dismissal with joyful “Alleluia!” will send us on the mission. Yes, evangelization is our mission. Through the leadership of our Pastoral Team, Parish Pastoral Council, and many other Commissions and Groups, our community is moving forward in making our parish vision a reality. Evangelization is part of it. Our Pastoral Plan provides direction for our community of faith and will act, much like a rudder on a boat, to keep us on the right path! There are three statements: Be Bold. Be Catholic. Be Holy, which speak to our collective goals as individuals and as a community. Within them there is:
· A call to personal holiness.
· A call to Evangelization.
· A call to minister to those in material and spiritual need.
· A call to build the community.
· A call for a good Liturgy.
· A call for ongoing Formation.
Our pastoral plan provides a glimpse of who we are at present and gives us direction for our future.