October 11, 2013
Sunday, October 6th was National Life Chain Sunday. People across the nation stood vigil from 2 to 3:30 pm to remind the nation of the continuing tragedy of legalized abortion. There were Life Chains at about 50 locations around Detroit.
The purpose of Life Chains is to remind the larger community that the legal abortion is still “law-of-the-land” and that many are suffering. Not only are babies being killed but the women and men involved are scarred by their participation in the act of abortion. In the past 40 years, over 55 Million babies have been killed.
About 20 parishioners of St Clare of Montefalco stood on Mack Avenue with placards saying a variety of things such as, “Pray for the End of Abortion,” “Abortion Kills Children,” and “Adoption the Loving Option”. This is a prayerful demonstration, not a confrontational activity. Unfortunately, our nation is offering millions of children up as sacrifices to the “god” of personal convenience.
We began the Life Chain with a prayer led by Father Andrew. As you may recall, it rained all day long last Sunday. The rain stopped at 2 pm and did not return until after the Life Chain was completed. During the hour and a half that we stood along Mack Avenue, about 1,200 cars passed in front of us. Some people honked in support, others gave us the “thumbs up” sign. We did not get any hateful reactions as has been the case in previous years.
We ask for everyone’s continuing prayers for the end of abortion and for those among us that reach out in many ministries that support pregnant women to make the decision to give the gift of life.