Greetings St. Clare Family, I hope you had a blessed and safe week. Thank you for signing up for the St. Leo’s Lunch Project. Please continue to call or email if you have questions or trouble with Flocknote. We still have many items available to be donated and kitchen volunteers needed for weeks three and six. This Lenten Parish project requires many hands and kind hearts to make it a success. We can do this together. Let’s be the light! St. Leo’s Lunch Project is up and running! Sign-up is virtual on Flocknote. You may access the sign-up directly on Flocknote or through the St. Clare website under Christian Service. Once you add items to donate, you will receive a confirmation email with detailed instructions. Thank you for participating in this online sign-up. It is a wonderful tool. Financial contributions will purchase protein for the main dish. Parishioners can still make homemade cookies and brownies. Nonperishable food items such as rice, pasta, canned green beans, corn, and Italian dressing are needed to support the lunch program at the new SLSK home at the Center for the Works of Mercy. Sign-up today online. If you are unable to sign-up online, please feel free to email or call me. Checks may be made out to St. Clare Church with St. Leo’s in the memo line. Cash and checks may be placed in a marked envelope in the collection basket. Also, you may pay through WeShare, our Parish electronic giving site, going to our website, or scanning the QR code below. Please bring your donations to weekend Mass according to the scheduled menu and place them in the marked boxes in church outside the Family Room orin the Austin Portico. Items may also be dropped at the Parish Offices during normal hours. The dates listed on the sign-up are the Saturdays and Sundays we collect food. The food is delivered, prepped, and served on Wednesday of that week. If you wish to assist with food prep, service, and cleaning, please sign-up online. Due to a smaller kitchen space and regular staff, we are looking for two new volunteers each week.