June 18, 2016
by Fr. Andrew
Last week, I mentioned the Golden Jubilee of Sr. Kathy Wood, OP, a native of St. Clare parish. We will celebrate her anniversary next Saturday at the 4 pm Mass, but June is also full of other jubilees and anniversaries! We congratulate the Arsenault and McMillan families for their 50th anniversary that they celebrated last Sunday. On Tuesday, I had the privilege to participate in the 60th anniversary of priestly ordination of Cardinal Maida and the 50th anniversary of ordination of Bishop Reiss. On Saturday Fr. Tom and I traveled to London, Ontario to rejoice in the 25th anniversary of priestly ordination of the Michaelite Bishop Joe Dabrowski. We congratulate the principal of our school Mr. Fisher on his 6th wedding anniversary. It is great to celebrate these milestones and give thanks to God for those who serve the Lord in the vocations of marriage and ordained life.