St. Clare Christian Service Commission is once again sponsoring the Christmas Giving Tree Project. The gifts will provide Christmas cheer to the folks at St. Patrick’s Senior Center, St. Charles Adult Care Homes, Freedom House, and the Crisis Navigator Program run through the Catholic Charities of SE Michigan.
The gift tags found on the trees near the church entrances give recommendations for the needed and appreciated items. Trees and tags will be set out the weekend before Thanksgiving (Nov. 22-23) due to its late date. Please read the scripture passage on the ornament that you pick and reflect on its meaning for the ones being served and for your own family.
You may purchase any or all of the items on your gift tag. Please cross out any items on the tag that you did not purchase. Please tape over the entire tag to make sure that it is still on the package when it arrives at its destination.
Please bring your wrapped gifts with the Giving tree tag taped securely to the package to church and place them around the altar during Mass on Saturday December 13th and Sunday December 14th. There will be a slotted box near the altar for the gift certificates which you don’t need to wrap. Thank you for your generosity in advance.