April 15, 2018
by Fr. Andrew
Easter provides a new opportunity for us to come out from behind our locked doors, from behind whatever is keeping us from speaking out on our faith. Look around and ask yourself, “who’s missing? Who’s not here who should be here? Who got left at home? Who didn’t get invited?” Maybe it’s a son or a daughter and you’re just tired of arguing with them about how boring Mass is? Maybe it’s a husband or wife who has given up on their faith? Perhaps it’s a close friend who is putting “their conditions” on their beliefs? Tell them that Christ will meet their conditions and do whatever is necessary to bring them to faith. Tell them what you’ve seen here—that ordinary bread and wine becomes Christ himself; that a community of people, that mixture of saints and sinners come together bringing all of their own doubts and fears, struggles, and tensions, in the most powerful sign that Christ is risen and alive. It is the Lord who calls us together and sustains us and loves us – just as he loved those first disciples through their ups and downs.
The 65
th Anniversary of the dedication of our church building celebrated this month on the 29
th at 10 am Mass is that opportunity to invite, to witness, to be messengers of God’s mercy. Every household within our parish boundaries has been invited to our celebration by way of a special invitation mailed to them. Reach out, invite them too and join us. Let it be the celebration of Thanksgiving. Be Bold.