June 13, 2014
by Deacon Larry

Pentecost weekend was my last weekend of full time public ministry at St. Clare of Montefalco Parish and I wish to thank you, the parishioners, my fellow members of the parish ministry team, and my brother Knights of Columbus for your kind and generous support for the past three years as I served as your permanent deacon. The blessings I have received from our relationship have enriched my life and touched my heart in ways too numerous to mention. The memories and the joys shall forever remain with me.
My decision to request “Senior Status” (Clergy never retire) from Archbishop Allen Vigneron was prompted by my continually declining health and the ageing process and its accompanying challenges. At the age of 70, each deacon is asked to evaluate his ability to serve and this I have done and prayed about it since just before Lent began.
It is my earnest hope and prayer that the good folks of St. Clare will continue to; be Bold, be Holy and be Catholic as they go forward. You will always remain in my heart and in my prayers and thank you for the opportunity to labor with you in the vineyard of the living God. May our mother, Blessed and Holy Mary, intercede for you daily with her son, Jesus Christ. Blessings and Peace…
Deacon Lawrence Ruehlen