June 1, 2017
Christian service coordinators will gather at Sacred Heart Major Seminary next week for the Lay Ecclesial Ministry Certification Module, thanks to your gifts to the Catholic Services Appeal.
Christian service coordinators are valuable members of parish staffs. They promote and coordinate action that seeks to eliminate the cause of human need in our society. They are also responsible for ensuring a full response to Catholic Social Teaching through opportunities for outreach and advocacy.
The three-day module will focus on the areas of administration, methodology and programming. It fulfills partial certification requirements for Christian service coordinators.
For information about CSA-funded ministries, programs, and services, please go to
MANY THANKS to those who have already responded with a gift or a pledge! As you can see, we are slowly moving closer to our goal. Your timely reply will greatly assist our volunteers who are working on the campaign and follow-up.
GOAL: $73,681
PLEDGED: $38,220