March 1, 2020
by Sue Buckley
Have you ever picked up and read the orange card in the envelope holder in the pew at church? It provides a glimpse of what the Stephen Ministry is about. Put simply, if you are going through a difficult time, whatever it may be a Stephen Minister will walk that journey with you. Not to “fix” whatever it is, but to support you as you work through it. A Stephen Minister provides a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on, and a person that will hold you in prayer. We all need someone to lean on from time to time, Stephen Ministers are ready and willing to be that person for you. Over the next few weeks the Bulletin will feature some of the new Stephen Ministers at St. Clare, sharing what prompted them to become part of this ministry. You can contact us via email @
[email protected] or call on our confidential line and leave a message at 313 647 5000 ex. 5054. Please, don’t let fear of the unknown paralyze you; we are here for you.
In Peace,
Sue Buckley, Stephen Ministry Leader