May 3, 2015
by Fr. Andrew
What a gathering we had! What an atmosphere! What an attendance! What an outcome! Thank you everyone for the Saturday, April 18, evening extravaganza. Please accept my heartfelt thanks for your gifts, food, and monetary donations. Our School Auction was a huge success, due to your help and your participation. The silent auction with the Michaelites offer of: a trip to Australia, dinner at the Rectory, and Mass with Fr. Tom; not to mention the shaving of the beard to have your pastor clean shaven again—were the hot items! Thank you all for your generosity and your presence. The money we raised, $72,703 is our New Record! On behalf of Sr. Kathy, thank you to all who contributed: School Families, Teachers and Staff, Parishioners, Local Businesses, Friends and Neighbors, and Attendees,