A copy of the Confirmation Candidate's baptismal certificate is due with their letter to the pastor, formally requesting the sacrament of Confirmation by February 6, 2013.
How do I get a copy of my Baptismal Certificate?
To obtain a copy of your current baptismal certificate, write to your parish of baptism and request a current certificate. They will send you a sealed copy with all of your sacraments listed.
Only the parish holding the original sacramental records may issue a certificate.
For sake of the individual’s privacy, only the person him/herself, another Catholic parish for sacramental reasons, or a Catholic tribunal for annulment reasons may obtain a certificate.
If the parish of baptism has been merged with another parish, contact the merged parish site.
If you are unsure of the name of the merged parish or if the parish was closed within the Archdiocese of Detroit, contact AOD Archives – phone (313) 237-5864, fax (313) 596-7199, or [email protected].
If the parish was closed in another diocese, contact that diocesan archives office.